Wakefield Jets JFC

 Player Registration

Below you will find links to Jets' Player Registration and Codes of Conduct.  All of these documents must be read, completed and signed prior to your child taking part in organised matches for Wakefield Jets.

At the bottom of this page you will find details of our subs payments options and procedures.  Please take your time to familiarise yourself with this information and speak to your Coach should you have any questions.

When advised to do so by your Coach, click the Image above to register your Player


Click above to open and read our Codes of Conduct


Click above to Sign to confirm you have read and agree to our Codes of Conduct

Subscriptions Payment Options

Wakefield Jets JFC offers the following payment options for Subscriptions:

League Registered Players

1. £160.00 - upfront payment by bank transfer (By 6th September 2024)

2. £180.00 – 12 monthly instalments payable by bank transfer. An “evergreen” Standing Order to pay £15.00 (£180/12) each month (First payment no later than 6th September 2024).

Note: if choosing Option 2, you do not need to cancel your Standing Order between seasons and can let it run during your child’s time with Jets, as the cost is split over the whole 12 months of a year, not just for the playing season.

Players on a Training-Only Basis (as advised by Coach / Manager)

3. £100.00 – upfront payment by bank transfer (By 6th September 2024)

4. £120.00 - 12 monthly instalments payable by bank transfer An “evergreen” Standing Order to pay £10.00 (£120/12) each month (First payment no later than 6th September 2024).

Sibling Discounts for League Registered Players

Subtract £10 from Option 1 for each younger child when an older sibling plays for the Club.

For payment Option 2, the Standing Order payment is reduced to £14.00 per month for the younger child.

It is essential that any Parents/Guardians paying by bank transfer/Standing Order include a standardised reference that enables us to identify the player to which the payment relates to. Parents/guardian should use the following convention for the reference:

Initials of Manager; initial of player’s forename and surname of player.

For example, Max Fielding playing in Steven Overton’s team would use the following reference:


Bank Transfers / Standing Orders to be paid to:

Account Name: Wakefield Jets JFC

Bank: Yorkshire Bank (Northgate, Wakefield)

Sort Code: 05-09-64

Account Number: 11942204

Playing Kit

Should your player be registered to play league matches for Wakefield Jets, they will be issued with a playing kit (shirt, shorts & socks). This kit remains the property of Wakefield Jets JFC at all times and should be returned upon request of your team Manager, Coach or other Committee Official.